Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post apocalyptic goddess


Distraught and caught with blue funk, I'm sobbing over quitting/loosing a job that i grew fond of. It was inevitable that i would leave; I didn't plan to stay long from the start.
"we're gonna save  the worl'"

I've always known dreams could be achievable, even the absurd ones. Not the dreams that you view in sleep while you're brain archives your imaginative subconscious thoughts. I mean dreams as in aspirations. Sometimes your personal desires don't fit with your job. It was hard for me to display my thoughts and abstractions at my previous job. The controlled environment felt like a cage, but even a caged bird has space to stretch its wings. hopefully at my next job I'll implement my artistic views while working. I'll attempt to reach my goals with every little step. One day this bird will grow too large for it's cage.... to be continued

Proposal: an invention a day will keep my brain at bay

2014, a new year to reinvent myself and to find my place in this reality that i live in. I want life to come to me, but i also want to create my own stature. I will no longer be stagnate, i must move my mind, body and soul to achieve something greater. I must clench on to this treacherous cliff in hopes that i can pull my self up at some point.
Don't loose touch with the world around you, be in the "now" but live for tomorrow. (a phrase for myself)
"Snap Back to Reality"